QA Environment

Please note: Near Term Action (NTAs) funded by the Strategic Initiative Leads have been incoporated into the NEP Atlas and appear in the map, below. NTAs (including NTAs funded by the Strategic Initiative Leads) were formerly tracked in the "Action Agenda Tracker" tool. The Action Agenda Tracker has since been retired and is no longer accessible.

The map below shows the location of activities funded by the EPA Puget Sound National Estuary Program. Click on a point to view a summary of the activity in the table below. Use the filters to focus on a particular type of activity or investment, or refine the map to only show activities associated with a specific Vital Sign.

Please note that activties without any spatial data will not display on this page. For a full, tabular list of these activities and chart summaries, see NEP Activities

Some Activities do not have a simple location and are not represented by a point on the map, but are listed here.

{{visibleActivitiesCount()}} of {{AllActivities.length}} Activities in Map View
Name Stage Duration Total Cost Investment Type Activity Type Vital Sign Lead Entity Mgmt Area
{{activity.ActivityName}} {{activity.ActivityName}} {{activity.Stage.replace("/", " / ")}} {{activity.Duration}} {{activity.TotalCost | currency:undefined:0}} {{activity.ActivityClass}} {{activity.ActivityTypesShortenedText}} {{activity.VitalSignsShortenedText}} {{activity.LeadEntitiesShortenedText}}

{{visibleActivitiesCount()}} Activities shown on map - Zoom closer to see a list

0 Activities shown on map - Change your viewing area to see a list